Friday, March 10, 2006

Ahmadis under fire(hate literature)

Ahmadis under fire

By Ali Waqar

LAHORE: The Ahmadiyya Community supported the Pakistan Movement and stood by Quaid-e-Azam, but hate literature against the community accusing them of being traitors and urging their social boycott is being published unchecked, according to an annual review report published by the community.

The report said hate literature against the community began in 1953 and more than 1,379 pieces of hate material were published in the Urdu press in 2005. The material included decrees on murdering Ahmadis, allegations that they conspire against Pakistan, provoking the government to take aggressive steps against Ahmadis and creating hurdles in their worship. The review report, supported with the copies of newspaper clippings, said in many cases government bodies also supported the people promoting hatred.

The report demanded an end to discrimination against the community and urged the government and the media to promote Quality, tolerance and inter-faith harmony. It said human rights should be protected without religious discrimination.

According to a separate annual report by the community, 11 Ahmadis were killed, 60 charged on religious grounds and 16 accused of blasphemy in 2005.

The Ahmadiyya Community has appealed to the government to take concrete steps to stop the discrimination.