Friday, March 10, 2006

Pakistani cities at terrorism risk: State Dept

Pakistani cities at terrorism risk: State Dept

WASHINGTON: The US State Department in a travel warning described all Pakistani cities, including Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore, as bearing “high terrorist risk”

The department described Pakistan as a country with “extreme security and travel threat in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, high terrorist risk in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore and all other cities.”

The advisory says, “Pakistan has been a conflicted state ever since it was founded in 1947 when a section of India was cordoned off to make a Muslim state. Two wars were subsequently fought over Kashmiri, and a third resulted in the creation of Bangladesh. Nuclear testing by India prompted copycat testing in Pakistan in 1998, and since then militant, religious and extremist groups have congregated there to target American and Western interests by destroying their properties. Islamabad and the tribal areas are particularly extremely dangerous and targeting Western business interests. Extreme hatred for Americans and Westerners is very common among general public.” khalid hasan