Thursday, March 17, 2005

A note about H.R. 1950 in the CRS review of Pakistan US relations

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In July 2003, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY2004-2005 (H.R. 1950) was
passed by the House. Section 709 of the Act would require the President to report to
Congress on actions taken byIslamabad to close terrorist camps in Pakistan-controlled areas, prohibit the infiltration of militants at the Kashmiri Line of Control, and cease the transfer of WMD or related technologies to any third parties. Many Pakistanis held the “India lobby” responsible for the legislation of “conditions” on future U.S. aid to Pakistan. When considered alongside a seniorWhite House official’s June assertion that long-term U.S. aid requires that the United States be “satisfied” with Pakistan’s progress on nonproliferation, anti-terrorism, and democratization — and a July letter to President Bush signed by 16 Members of Congress outlining their concerns on these same issues—the legislation is seen to reflect ongoing congressional attention to developments in Pakistan, and also has renewed Pakistani worries about the reliability of U.S. pledges of assistance.