Thursday, April 06, 2006

Canda deports Pakistani terrorists for plannign to bomb a hindu temple

Canada deports men jailed for planning terrorist attack in 1990s

OTTAWA (CP) - Three men convicted of planning to bomb a Hindu temple in Toronto more than a decade ago were deported Wednesday under tight security.

The three members of Jammat ul-Fuqra, an extreme religious sect based in Pakistan, were arrested in October 1991 while attempting to enter Canada from the United States. Barry Adams, Amir Mohammed Ahmed and Abdul Baqqer were convicted in 1994 of conspiracy to bomb the temple and an East Indian movie theatre.

"They were sentenced to 12 years and immediately upon completion of their sentence were deported from Canada," Canada Border Services spokeswoman Anna Pape said Wednesday.

All three men had served their sentences in penitentiaries in the Kingston, Ont., area.

For security reasons, Pape would not divulge where the men were sent.

"Certainly in this case we've done our part to contribute towards safety and security for Canadians, from start to finish."

Jamaat ul-Fuqra seeks to purify Islam through violence, attacking Muslims its members regard as heretics as well as Hindus, according to the Federation of American Scientists, which tracks extremist groups.

Fuqra was established by Pakistani cleric Shaykh Mubarik Ali Gilani in the early 1980s.