Monday, May 30, 2005

Suicide attacks by Iraqis and Palestinians justified: (Minister of State for Religious Affairs)Aamir

Suicide attacks by Iraqis and Palestinians justified: Aamir

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: Commenting on the clerics’ decree against suicide attacks on holy places, Minister of State for Religious Affairs Aamir Liaqat Hussain on Tuesday said the decree was only for Pakistan and that suicide attacks in Iraq and Palestine were justified because Muslims were fighting foreign occupation there.

“Iraqi people can resort to suicide attacks against the US forces. Suicide attacks in Iraq and Palestine are legitimate because the Muslims in these countries are being killed by the invading forces,” he said, adding that the decree was issued in the context of Pakistan with a view to stopping terrorism at holy places. He said killing a Muslim without a just reason was forbidden in Islam and killing a Muslim for“God’s blessing was infidelity.