Dean of Pakistani university on India/Pakistan IT
TNS: It is said that the Indian IT industry benefited a great deal from the Indians working in the US IT industry as they referred back work to India. Having an important position in the US and considerable influence to go with it, did you, or other Pakistanis in similar positions, ever make an effort to divert work towards Pakistan?
DAM: It is true that one of the reasons for the success of the Indian IT industry is the influence and efforts of the Indian expatriate community to divert work towards India. But we must also realize that this was not the only reason and we also must remember why the Indian expatriate community was able to divert work to India. No company in the US is going to make an investment in any of these countries unless it makes complete business and financial sense. Companies in India have an infrastructure that is comparable to the infrastructure available anywhere in the world. This infrastructure was laid down years ago when a conscious effort was made to enable India to become a world player. There is no such overriding factor to influence companies to invest in Pakistan where there is no such infrastructure in place. It does not make any financial sense to get US companies to invest in Pakistan. Only Pakistani companies in the US will ever invest here and that too because of reasons and factors other than purely business sense.
Let me also clarify that no matter what the government says US companies still want to work in India, China and Eastern Europe which are all cheaper and yet safer alternatives to the US.
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