Friday, April 08, 2005

9/11 hijackers spoke Balochi

9/11 hijackers spoke Balochi

WASHINGTON: Some of the 9/11 hijackers are said to have been proficient in the Balochi language. According to Parick Keefe, author of a new book on how the United States intercepts electronic communications worldwide, terrorists whose conversations are picked up by the National Security Agency, the most secret of American spying establishments, often use slang, obscure references and sometimes speak languages such as Balochi, “a language shared by the 9/11 hijackers.” Keefe believes that no one at the National Security Agency speaks Balochi. The world’s “chatter”, as such intercepts are known in the spying trade, has grown so dramatically as to overwhelm the capabilities of the eavesdroppers. Keefe says it is not humanly possible for the millions of intercepts the US makes to be deciphered and interpreted. khalid hasan